Strategic Social Marketing
Measuring Return on Social Marketing Investment.pdf (PDF — 445 KB)
Marketing Social Good Key take away points Jeff French 2017..pdf (PDF — 88 KB)
SSM Brand Primer.pdf (PDF — 242 KB)
Socia Marketig 8 Point Criteria (updated) March 2014.pdf (PDF — 207 KB)
Social Marketing Evaluation Planning Tool.docx (DOCX — 39 KB)
30 Things we know about how to influence behaviour.pdf (PDF — 207 KB)
Quality Assurace of Social Marketing Planning checklist.doc (DOC — 904 KB)
Final Endorsed Consensus defenition of Social Marketing October 2013 - Copy.pdf (PDF — 386 KB)
10 Ways New technologies are being used to influence.pdf (PDF — 104 KB)
Up-stream, mid and down-stream definitions related to Social Marketing..docx (DOCX — 37 KB)
Common Programme Planning and Weaknesses check list. November 2012.docx (DOCX — 18 KB)
Principles for Designing Interventions Informed by Theory Tool. NOvember 2012.docx (DOCX — 25 KB)
STELA 4 Step Social Marketing Plan November 2011.docx (DOCX — 67 KB)
Open Analysis Approach to Selecting Models and Theories of Behaviour Change. November 2012.docx (DOCX — 567 KB)
The Intervention Matrix Tool. November 2012.docx (DOCX — 189 KB)
One Page Key behaviour change influences summary November 2012.docx (DOCX — 21 KB)
Cost value matrix and DeCIDES tools. November 2012.docx (DOCX — 455 KB)
Social Marketing Evaluation guide.doc (DOC — 134 KB)
Key Behavioural Influencing Factors Check List November 2012.docx (DOCX — 24 KB)
How to commission Social Marketing summary.doc (DOC — 58 KB)
Checklist for Designing Information Programmes November 2012.docx (DOCX — 22 KB)
15 point Social Marketing Audit Tool November 2012.doc (DOC — 60 KB)
Adopting a Goals and SMART Objectives Approach Novermber 2012.docx (DOCX — 29 KB)
Behavioural Economics Checklist. November 2012.docx (DOCX — 23 KB)
Guide to setting SMART Objectives proto tool.docx (DOCX — 26 KB)
When to use mass and digital media checklist. Novermber 2912.docx (DOCX — 19 KB)